My friend Clint Hyslop, better known as Slope, has vanished on us for some unknown reason. Although at first we were all worried about Slope’s disappearance, going as far as calling local police departments and hospitals, a little Sam Spade detective work from Slope’s roommate Nick has shown that he might not have been abducted by aliens or accosted by a crazy cult at all. Our best guess is Slope decided to take what little money he had and make the jump to professional poker player in Las Vegas.
I say he didn’t have much money, but in reality he had a couple hundred bucks probably, which is fine for moving to another city and starting anew, but not a lot when you want to start out as a professional poker player. Slope has wanted to pull a Mike McDermott for some time now but has always been talked out of it by friends.
We don’t know for sure that the Texas Chainsaw Massacre family has not kidnapped him or he has received amnesia after taking a spill on a motorcycle he purchased the day after we last saw him, but Slope is a resilient person who can survive in any environment. If he is out in the desert paradise known as Las Vegas then I wish him the best. Slope; make the Arlington crew proud.
What a blog. I can't believe you have had this thing for two months and have kept it a secret. Oh and regards to Clint "Slope", to all you poker people, I hope you are not laying on a bench somewhere. I am sure you have found yourself a job waiting tables. I wish you well.
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