Wednesday, June 13, 2018

(Not) Live (Not) Tweeting 'Legion' Episode 2.11

This show is such a weird and cool experience. That opening scene was such an oddity I watched it again as soon as the episode ended. Cool foreshadowing to David singing that he was the bad man.

Three years later? What happened to all of our characters outside the ice cube? Oh, okay. We're going right back to the action.

"You were beating him to death. That's not a love story." That is a great line.

This thing has taken a dark turn of self-destructive reflection. But talking to three versions of yourself probably means you really are crazy. And those other two versions of you aren't that different. It's like having a devil on one shoulder and the devil's personal assistance on the other shoulder.

Implausible shot fro Lenny, but I'll allow it.

Farouk's not wrong about forcing love on someone. It just stinks to hear that rational argument coming from him.

Inception, Minority Report, #MeToo: they are getting as many pop culture references into one episode as they can tonight.

David and Lenny: the Thelma & Louise of mutants.

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

(Not) Live (Not) Tweeting 'Legion' Episode 2.10

I'm not one that normally cares about what a girl looks like on television after something happens, but after roaming through the desert the entire day and sleeping in a tent smaller than a dorm room, Sydney would definitely not look that good with her hair and makeup so perfect. I'm just saying.

Yes, we've all heard that definition of insanity.

You remember the television show Out of This World? It was about a girl whose dad is an alien and gives her the power to freeze time. The theme song was what Oliver was singing. Burt Reynolds was the voice of the dad, right? Woah! David is going all Zero Dark Thirty on Oliver.

Did Professor X ever break bad in the comic books? Could he have been like David if humanity had pushed back a little more against his team of mutants?

I know I keep saying this, but I live Aubrey Plaza.

I always forget that David tried to kill himself. He really is one tragic figure in this show. He's been through a lot. Yet, I am starting to question whether David might be the hero of this show. The Shadow King was a valid reason to blame his bad behavior, but he truly might be insane.

Let Kerry kick some butt! ... Nice! ... Oh come on! It's not fair that she has to fight even more of those henchmen.

A Lenny and Kerry spin-off! That's the show I want.

Surely next week is the season finale. We've been building to this all season. It cannot be dragged out any longer, right?

Yep, season finale. Looks promising.

Tuesday, June 05, 2018

(Not) Live (Not) Tweeting 'Legion' Episode 2.9

I need a "Previously on Legion." If any television show needs a "previously on," it's Legion.

This episode is like a PSA for drugs. Parents, don't let your kids do drugs or they will end up like lazy, abandoned wives holding a grudge against their husbands who are trapped inside an ice cube.

I love Cary/Kerry.

Oh yeah! This is the episode that Lenny goes nuts and parties hard. I was looking forward to this one.

I'm no biologist, but I'm pretty sure you can't make a prince that way.