Friday, September 26, 2008

Not Worth Posting

I usually put my weekly column up here to let my reader(s) enjoy what is on my mind from week to week, but my latest effort was not interesting enough to copy and paste over here. Even writing it I started to get bored. It involved the NHRA Fall Nationals in Ennis, which I have no interest in whatsoever.
Something else I have been working on today is trying to see who I would vote for (if I was going to vote) in the presidential election. I have come across a voter's guide that shows where McCain and Obama stand on 14 issues ranging from gay rights and energy concerns to abortion and the war. I have only weighed in on 10 of the issues so far because the other four I don't really know what they are talking about. I will have to look into those four a little further to find out who I would side with because as it stands right now I am stuck in the middle.
That's right. I apparently am not a Republican and I am not a Democrat. I agree with McCain on five issues and I agree with Obama on five issues (possibly four because I'm not entire sure we are on the same page with our reasons for not supporting expanded oil drilling; however, we do agree to not support it).
I still have to find out what the Federal Defense of Marriage Act is, what the state marriage amendments sayin California and Florida and where I stand on opposing judicial activism and protecting the lives of botched abortion children who survive. For the record, I am against abortions, so if you got rid of that problem then we wouldn't have to worry about babies who survive them.
I'm not a political person at all and so I am not a person to argue with regarding these issues. I don't know all the little nuances that go along with each issue, but I know I don't support gay rights, abortions or the war and I do think we should look into cloning and alternative energy sources. Draw the conclusions you will from that, but there you have it.

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