Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Rolling Stones Zip Code Tour

My recent interest in the top 500 albums list from Rolling Stone has already paid off in more than just hearing great music.  While working my way through the "best" albums of all time yesterday I came to the seventh item on the list, The Rolling Stones' (not associated with the magazine) Exile on Main Street.  That reminded me that tickets for the British rock group's final tour went on sale that morning and I bought two tickets in the nosebleed seats.  Sending an e-mail to my mom about my recent purchase reminded her of the tickets being available and we bought an additional ticket (on the first level near the stage) for her.  So Joanna, my mom, and I will be seeing The Rolling Stones in Arlington on June 6.
It will be Joanna's and my first (and only if this truly is their final tour) time to see the band, but the upcoming event will be my mom's third time to see them live.  Her first Rolling Stones concert was when she was in high school and she drove down to Houston to see the group.  It would be something to be able to experience the same band 50 years apart.  I envy my mom for what she is going to be a part of this coming summer.
On an additional note regarding the music list I am listening to at work, I found that the exaggerated singing people do to make fun of Bob Dylan really isn't that far off base of what he actually sounds like.  Also, I was highly impressed with Marvin Gaye's What's Going On.  Didn't realize I would be such a fan of his stuff, but I really liked it.

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