Friday, August 05, 2016

Stop It. Just Stop It Right Now

The common occurrence of adults chewing and popping gum in public (especially in a work environment where cubicles are used to a great extent) needs to be put to an end immediately.

I understand that I'm in the minority of thinking the idea that chewing gum is a disgusting act of social behavior in the first place, especially for grown men and women, but even when chewing it you can have some manners and not piss off the people around you.  Don't chew loudly and smack it like a cow chewing on cud.  Don't make bubbles and pop them.  Don't do either of these things repeatedly and excessively (you know, like every day, multiple times a day).

I'm going nuts at my office because the women around me chew their gum and pop bubbles endlessly all day long.  It has taken every ounce of civility for me not to go postal and scream at them for their obliviously rude manners.

So I am going to scream here and let it all out.


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