Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Fridge Looks Great

It took $1,300 and a lot of disassembling and reassembling to get it in the spot it belongs, but I have to say that our new refrigerator looks great. I have always been in a family with two fridges, one for the kitchen and another for the garage to put soft drinks and other random things in order to save space in the main fridge. That tradition now continues as my father-in-law and I picked up the new LG french door, bottom freezer refrigerator today at Sears.
On a side note, I have to say it felt great laying down $1,296 in hundreds, twenties, a ten, a five and a one dollar bill when we bought the thing. The experience was like being Henry Hill in Goodfellas when he would just pull out a wad of money whenever the situation called for it.

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