Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Book Recommendation

There is a lot of reading going on in my life.  In fact, pretty much every night before I go to sleep I will wind down with a book in bed.  I enjoy a lot of the classics and spy thrillers (especially James Bond, but that is pretty well established by all who are familiar with my tastes and interests).  Recently I started a book of short stories by Ray Bradbury.  I bought it in order to read A Sound of Thunder and enjoyed it so much that I decided to give all of the stories a go.
I have found most of the short stories to be entertaining, if not down-right enthralling.  Although a few haven't grabbed my attention, but that is what's great about a short story.  While you may not get into the narrative at first, it isn't a burden to finish the thing as it is only a few pages long.
One story that I found to be the most insightful of all so far was The Murderer.  It was written in 1953, but reads like it could have been penned in today's culture.  It reveals a world where machines that were created as a convenience have become hindrances on humans, but we have become so embracing of technology that we ignore the bombarding noises and cumbersomeness it has created.
It will only take a few minutes to get through and I highly recommend taking the time to do so.  Were I a literary teacher, this story would be required reading in my classroom.

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