Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Unpleasant Morning Surprise

In the middle of the night Joanna and I were awakened by a crying 5-year-old girl in our bed.  Emery occasionally has bad dreams and I will take her back to bed and lay next to her until everything is calm again and she falls asleep.  However, last night Joanna kept asking if Emery had a bad dream and her response was indecipherable.  The British who cracked Hitler's Enigma codes couldn't have figured out what Emery was attempting to tell us through her wails and sniffling.
After a few attempts to discover what was wrong, I simply gave up and told her to get under the covers with us.  She quickly fell asleep and all was good again.
Fast-forward to 6:30 this morning, with everyone waking from their interrupted slumber I asked Emery if she had a bad dream that led her to our bed.  She said it wasn't a bad dream.  So I continued with the interrogation and she finally told me that she had an accident in the bed.  A 5-year-old wetting the bed is no big deal in my opinion.  However, I freaked out a little because this means I slept with pee-pants in my bed last night.  I don't care that she pees in her bed.  I will be happy to change her pajamas and underwear and give her some new sheets or let her sleep with us like she did.  But I don't want to leave her in the soiled clothes and have her taint my bed as well.
So in the end, I woke up to a sleeping buddy who had pee-pants.  Great way to start the morning!

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