Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015

It's been a while since I've posted anything.  I have been overworked with a project the last couple of weeks involving some loans that are part of litigation and with the holidays in full swing I haven't really had any time to group my thoughts and put them down on paper.  I figured I would give a broad brushstroke of what's new in my world.
So, I saw the new Star Wars film four times in less than two weeks.  Didn't really mean to.  It sort of just snowballed on me.  That is not to say it isn't worth seeing four times, because it is.  It was really good and as if the first line of the film is referencing what had come a little more than a decade before, it begins to make things right.  I loved all the new characters and seeing the old ones in a new adventure was not just nostalgic, but also a little emotional (or at least as close as I can get to what humans consider to be emotional).
Christmas went pretty well.  Jack got a little BB-8 (new Star Wars character) remote that he calls his new best friend.  That was the gift of the year for our family, so I am glad it went over well with Jack.  Unfortunately Joanna didn't love my gift to her as much.  I got her a crockpot with the ability to lock the lid (which is what she specifically asked for), but because it didn't have a few additional bells and whistles it got returned and traded for a deep dish cooker or pot fry pan or steam-baked something-or-other.  I don't know.  She doesn't understand time travel.  I don't understand the differences in a pot, a pan, and a wok.
Television/movie recommendation of the week (or maybe month; I don't usually do these) is a Netflix documentary called Making a Murderer.  I don't want to give many details because the 10-part series pretty much covers everything you need to know, but it details a man named Steven Avery and his involvement in Wisconsin crimes that took place in the 1980s and 2000s.  It was a gripping series that I binge watched in a few days time.  Don't research his name or what the documentary is about.  I promise it will be worth the 10 hours.  Just watch it.
I guess that is most of it.  Everyone have a safe and happy New Year's Eve.  Don't get beat down by the mediocre music heard on all the telecasts tonight and try to be with someone you love at midnight.  See you in 2016.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I gave you two specifications, you just chose only to hear one.