Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lost Prediction Updates

As each week passes and we come closer to finishing the phenomenon that is Lost, I will continue to see how close I come with certain guesses at how the show will end and what will happen with episode cliffhangers. So let's see where we stand.

Jack becoming the new Jacob: Considering his conversation with Sawyer about feeling a void when he left the island the first time and choosing not to go home on the submarine with the rest of the group, it looks more likely that he is staying behind. I'm feeling more confident in this prediction.

The rest of the Oceanic 815 group and friends leave: With Sawyer, Kate, Hurley, Sun, Jin, Claire, and Lapidus all being held at gunpoint at the end of "The Last Recruit" this idea doesn't look good, but they will get out of this somehow. Sawyer will probably talk them out of it if I had to guess.

Desmond hit Locke to get him with Jack: That happened just as I guessed it would. Might not have been a shocking guess to get right, but still was good of me to put two and two together. Now how does Desmond know that doing all these things is going to get the results he wants, I have no idea.

Smoke monster takes form of dead on the island: Nailed that one. Again, not earth shattering, but still nice to know I am keeping up.

New predictions:
I don't really have any. I am pretty confident Sayid did't kill Desmond and probably even let him out of the hole, but that is probably obvious. The real question is what is going on inside Sayid. I really don't know anything about that.

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