Friday, January 06, 2012

Finally, Some Modern Art I Can Get Behind

Not really understanding or ever enjoying what is considered normal, classical art, it has been impossible for me to get modern art.  Painting a red square on a blue canvass or reconstructing an outhouse from the mid 1800s but installing the latest Japanese toilet technology isn't art in my opinion.  As Muppet Sam the Eagle would put it, "You are all weirdos!"
However, recently doing some research on my favorite movies by decade unearthed a project from two bloggers from the Walker Art Center who are deconstructing a single frame from every 62 seconds of film from the 1949 movie The Third Man.  The two will be analyzing each frame twice a week until they reach the end of the movie.  The project began last year and is expected to wrap up in December.
The project is called Still Dots and will consist of 102 blog posts.  The blog can be found at
To most this sounds like an epic waste of time, which normally I would argue isn't all modern art an epic waste of time, but since I'm a nut about movies this interests me ... a lot.  I will be spending the next year anticipating every Tuesday and Thursday post, getting two people's perspectives on one of the greatest movies of all time.  If you have seen The Third Man and loved it like I do, please visit the site and see what it is all about.  If you have deprived yourself so far by not viewing this movie yet, go check it out.  It is not only worth the 104 minutes of your life that it will take to watch the movie in one sitting, but it will be worth then visiting the Still Dots blog and analyzing the movie frame by frame.

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