Thursday, January 12, 2012

Through My Eyes By Tim Tebow

Getting a little too much insight into every game he ever played in college, the book Through My Eyes by Tim Tebow is an adequate book that covers the life of a fascinating sports story.  If you haven't heard of the polarizing Denver Broncos quarterback, then what rock have you been living under.
Tebow is an inspiration to young people and Christians everywhere, but has sport pundits shaking their heads stating he can't compete at this level and should be moved to a different position as he mounts another (and another) miracle drive to win games late.  Tebow's accomplishments every Sunday has supporters puzzled at how he works his magic, giving fans all the same response to those who say he shouldn't be a starter in that Tebow "just wins games."
His book follows the Heisman winner's story from before his birth until after his rookie season in the NFL, with insightful thoughts from Tebow himself about his faith and how it applied to every single moment in his life.  Overall I give the book a B- as I like what he has to say about his faith and where his wisdom and understanding of the Lord comes from, but the middle half of the book about his days at the University of Florida are meticulously detailed.  Not being a fan of the Florida Gators, it was not overly interesting to hear about each week's game and what it took to win (or sometimes lose) against every opponent.  Some of the highlights from each season could have been touched upon and dissected with how his faith was tested or upheld through those few moments, but it just wasn't necessary to read every single game's outcome and what he did in those games.  I'm not going to say that it was all put in there to be self-congratulating, but it did seem unnecessary.
Tebow's story is a really great one to hear about and I think he is a genuine guy.  I believe that even more so after reading his book, but without the Florida Gators play-by-play documentation it would have been a more enjoyable read overall.


Miranda said...

He has a book?? Cool! So overall would you reccomend it?

Matt said...

I would in that it gives you a glimpse into Tebow's perspective on specific moments from his life. Since his college days at the University of Florida he has become a hot topic for sports pundits and because of Tebow's beliefs the sports angle has crossed over into religious discussions. The book allows the reader to finally know what Tebow was really thinking and how his true beliefs factored into certain moments.
Before reading the book I leaned toward the idea that Tebow's act was genuine and after reading I have no doubt he is a genuine person.
That was a long answer, but yes, I recommend it.