Tuesday, February 01, 2005

The Good Old Days of Today

In 30 years, when some of us have passed on from either cancer, old age or drug use, the remainders will pine for the good old days. What makes the past so wonderful? Is it the nostalgia of our youth, the good memories we hold onto, while disregarding the horrible and derogating ones, or is it just simply things were less complicated and more enjoyable before the latest of this came along or the crime rate of that went up?
What fascinations and fixations of today will we miss later in life? It's not going to be Starbucks. Starbucks will become the Taco Bell of Demolition Man. Do you remember that movie? Taco Bell becomes the only restaurant in the entire city. Starbucks will not be missed by anyone.
Will it be bicycles and touch-tone phones we long for again? Instead we will have jet-propelled hover bikes and voice activated phones. Will we miss the rudimentary things in life like petite coffee shops and the newspaper? When I think about iconic pop culture of the 1950s I think of Mom and Pop diners and paperboys yelling the headlines from street corners. Where are those bits of history today?
When we are old and gray and wish for the days of old, what will come to mind for us? We criticize so many things, yet, in a short time it will be missed because it will have been replaced by something fancier, faster and less sentimental.

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