Thursday, October 21, 2004

I'm A Real Author

Since graduating in May of 2003 with a journalism degree, I have used my knowledge and ability to write very seldomly. I have edited a few papers for friends and I wrote a remembrance for both of my grandmothers when they died. Other than this, I haven't really expressed myself in the art of writing.
However, a couple of weeks ago I decided to do a film review on one of the many sites I look at for news about my hero James Bond. I critiqued You Only Live Twice, which is the fifth movie in the series. The website told readers they could review the film and if the analysis was good enough they would post it on the film's review page.
I didn't think much of it. I really just wanted to do a little writing and didn't plan on having it published. Yet, as of yesterday, the publishers of have printed my review. I am now a published author. Sure, it's a dorky website for Bond fanatics, but I still have a review published on a site based out of England. How cool is that.
Oh yeah, well I don't care what you say. I'm proud of myself. I won't be disgraced by your lack of respect for my accomplishment.
If you would like to read the review here is the link:
I have decided to complete a critique for the next movie On Her Majesty's Secret Service. Hopefully I can get this one published also. Wish me luck.

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