Thursday, March 31, 2005

I'm Going To Have A Reputation

I have been subbing at T. A. Howard Middle School for sometime now and cannot remember the last time I didn't send someone to the office. Today was no different.
During third block a student accidentally yanked a curtain rod down. Another student named Tyler proceeded to call him a faggot. Lawrence, the teen who pulled the curtain rod, was in the process of putting the curtain back in place when Tyler said it again.
First off, don't use that kind of language. It is rude and disrespectful. I can't stand students who aren't tolerant of others.
Secondly, why put the kid down for fixing the situation. I could possibly understand name calling for pulling it down, wrapping it around oneself and prancing around like the Riddler at Arkham Asylum, but not for doing the right thing.
Lastly, that isn't even a relevant put down. Why is he a faggot for ripping down a curtain rod? Is it because curtains are associated with home decor and he, being a male, must be gay for touching something affiliated with interior design? That is ridiculous.
I asked Tyler what he said. He told me the vulgarity that was spoken and I immediately responded by pulling out a referral and letting him know he was going to the office. He didn't protest either. He was rather willing.
Can I go a single day without sending someone to the principal of T. A. Howard. It got so bad one day that I was forced to send nine people to the office. NINE people. NINE. That's right, NINE.
Am I too strict or do I just get the bad classes? Are students just so bad these days that they don't know how to act in a classroom? My child will respect elders, teachers and classmates. If he/she doesn't it's a belt across the face, and when I say face I mean mouth. Just kidding about that last sentence. His/Her punishment will be an injection of enough sleepy cheese to make Sleeping Beauty look like she was taking a power nap.

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