Thursday, March 31, 2005

P. Diddy Idea Man Behind Number One Movie

Ashton Kutcher, star of last weekend's number one movie Guess Who with Bernie Mac, was quoted as saying about the movie, "The idea really came from when I was spending time with Sean Combs and people couldn't figure out why the two of us were hanging out together."
Really, is that where an idea about an interracial dating couple came from? PUFF DADDY! Actually the idea came from a 1967 film called Guess Who's Coming to Dinner starring Sidney Poitier, Kathryn Hepburn and Spencer Tracy. It is rated one of the top 100 movies of all time by the American Film Institute.
Of course, anyone connected to Hollywood in some form would know that. Wouldn't they? Kutcher is in television and movies. He is dating a movie star. He has friends who work in the biz. Wouldn't he be likely to know where the true idea came from about his new movie?
If you would like to see the moronic statement it is located here:

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