Saturday, June 11, 2005

My Column Isn't Coming Along

I haven't decided the approach to take with my column yet. Part of me wants to be serious and begin my first column on a "welcome to my style of writing" kind of piece, but then the other half wants to write about some prick posting anonymously to Micah about the coverage of the 5K and 10K runs at the Polka Festival. I will probably end of writing about my introduction into Ennis and how nice the community has been. That would probably be smart to make everyone happy before I start bashing stereotypes and other groups.


Anonymous said...

I kind of agree. I say hit um hard with the Moby D Style! Howard Stern didn't care, he did what he did and people HAD to pay attention.

I'm not sure how hard your Moby D Style is, turn in something off the cuff. But have a butt kissing story on back-up in case the boss don't like it!

Micah said...

Aww. You don't have to stick up for me. I'm a big girl. Even though I act like a big baby sometimes.