Friday, May 27, 2005

39th Annual Polka Festival Begins

Tell me who is more pathetic in the following situation:
Player A: Enters a polka dance contest.
Player B: Travels out of their way to watch a polka dance contest.
Player C: Journalist happily humming to music during polka dance contest.

I will tell you. It is Player C. I am the most pathetic. To start things off this year during the polka festival, Sokol Hall held the 19th Annual King and Queen Polka Dance Contest tonight. Let's give it up for Jack Rabbit Slim's Dance Contest., okay.
Sandy, my editor, put Micah on high school graduation commencement while I was stuck with polkaus dorkius (that's Latin for polka dork). I thought I was getting the better gig. Little did I know.
The night started off bad. I didn't take my official Ennis Daily News press pass inside with me because Micah has now made me feel self-conscious about the thing. But of course, because I wasn't wearing it, a big stink was made with the officials. I went back outside and got the darn thing and wore it proudly all night long, especially when I met up with the reporter from our rival newspaper, the Ennis Journal, but we will get to that in a minute.
Next, as I was waiting for the contest to start, a little girl of about six or seven started talking to me. She showed me a quarter and asked if I could spin it. Because of the loud accordion coming from the 38 speakers next to me, I heard would I spend it. So I grabbed the coin and what happened next? Little Susie Q flips out. Okay, okay. Take your quarter back. Good gosh. She then shows me how to SPIN the quarter. Nice trick kid, but can you stop it with your thumbs and shoot it into the basket I have created with my thumbs. Oh, you can't. Then take a shot.
Just kidding people. She then played the lovable game of I will roll the quarter and you try to not let it pass you. This was fun for about half a roll. I thought about letting the darn thing pass me every time just to get amusement out of watching her crawl underneath tables and people to get a lousy 25 cents.
Finally the contest started. It was fine on the whole. Nothing of interest happened. I did hum with the music. I am lame.
Afterward, as I was taking pictures of the winners, I saw a girl in full 1874 Czech gear holding a notepad. Who was this? It was the competition. She was the Ennis Journal reporter, who came from L.A., and that's not the abbreviation for Louisiana. She came all the way from California to be a reporter in Ennis. What was she thinking. (By the way, Micah that is not a slam at you. I have heard the reason you are in Ennis, so much love.) My rival for information was actually kind of nice. I let her ask all the questions to the winners while I just wrote down answers. It was a nice gig. Unprofessional, maybe. Easier, definitely.
I finally thanked everyone who had given me info, congratulated the winners and booked it out of Sokol Hall. My introduction to the Polka festival has been not great, but maybe tomorrow will hold a better day.


Micah said...

Ah, yes. Brooke. The girl from L.A. She' say the least. But yes she came from L.A. She helped do music videos out there, then went to NYC to work for MTV, then came to Ennis....something seems out of order there.

Anonymous said...

Where are all the dots at? How about that! Besides, don't feel too bad, I just downloaded some great Polka Techno!