Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Congratulations James, You Beat Out The Competition

Clint and James have both had their hopes set on being in the Ennis Daily News and after just a few weeks James won the race by doing something newsworthy...he came to the Polka Festival.
My job Saturday was to go to the three dance halls in Ennis and take photos of the people enjoying the music and food. I was also supposed to take pictures of dancers, but that was like finding a neo-nazi at a NAACP rally. Hard. For a bunch of PoLKofA (Polka Lover's Klub of America) members being in one room, they don't really do much polka dancing.
James decided to help me out by finding two girls dressed in Czech garb and he proceeded to ask them for a photo. He lied to them a bit by saying he was with the Daily News, but he and I believe in the motto "whatever it takes to get the job done."
James is sporting his new Polka Festival shirt and has a proud smile on his face. However, the smile is not because he is standing between two teenage Czech girls. It's because he came up with an idea that got him in the newspaper.
Sorry Clint, but James beat you on this one.

1 comment:

Micah said...

I heard newspaper sales were wayy down today.