Friday, January 21, 2005

Scenes From Substituting

Lately, subbing has been mundane and rather futile. I haven't had quite the pleasure I used to have when teaching, or babysitting, a class. However, today was a little different.
During my third period science class, I was able to watch, and mediate, a break up. Let me give you the rundown of what happened.
I was subbing a student I have had before. Her name is Britney Simpson and she isn't too keen on me because I gave her a referral. Today I found out it is her only referral she has ever received. Well, she was quite happy to see me today. She even let me read a note from a girl, named Kailey, to her boyfriend Drew. According to Britney, Drew and Britney were dating. He broke up with her to date Kailey. Then told Kailey he had feelings for Britney and went back to Britney. I wondered how she got the notes. Britney said Drew gave them to her.
A few minutes later in walks Drew. He gives Britney a note and then the fight starts. She asked him what was going on between him and Monster Nose (Kailey). Drew was at a loss for words and I decided to help the young lass out. I asked Britney if she was breaking up with him. She said yes and I told him to not worry about it because Britney is moving to Midlothian in a few weeks.
I also told Britney to calm down and let Drew explain whenever she started yelling at him. Drew liked having me there because I gave him a chance to refute the claims. However, he didn't do a very good job of it.
You might look down on me for letting a fight ensue in my classroom, but I must confess. I haven't seen a junior high break up since... well junior high. It was great. However lame you think soap operas are, intensify that by a thousand and you have a junior high break up. I wanted it to go on longer, but a teacher from another class came in and asked us to keep it down. I told Drew to leave and then had the class get back to work. What a wonderful quasi-job I have.

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