Tuesday, January 25, 2005

TOC Update

I got the news late last night. I was floored. Would things ever be the way they were before. In a matter of minutes my world had changed. Alan had dropped out of the Tournament of Champions. This could only mean one thing... scores would change. After three weeks of play, Alan was in first with six points, however he had used his bye last week. Yet, second place was myself and Chad with 12 points. Alan would've had to finish pretty miserably to lose the first place slot.
This is good news, right? No, because now we have to move people down who didn't beat Alan the first two weeks. In week one, Alan placed fourth and the three who beat him were Chad, Danny and me. In week two, only one person beat him...me. So, I will be gaining no points while Clint M. and Danny get a point shaved off for getting last when Alan played. Sucks for me, great for them.
The following are the overall standings:
Chad - 12 points
Matt - 12 points
Danny - 12 points
Brent - 13 points (used his bye)
James - 14 points
Clint M. - 14 points
Clint H. - 16 points
Hector - 16 points

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