Thursday, August 18, 2005

It's Amazing What A Good Nights Sleep Can Do

Many probably think my last post won't last and you are probably right. I may play poker again, but not for a while. However, it wasn't because I just overreacted after a bad night of cards, which was completely my fault, that I made that platform statement. I really am going to take a much needed break.
Cassidy took time last night out of saving lives at the hospital to calm me down and then Mike made a very sincere phone call today with the opening line, "Don't hang up on me f'er." He ended the conversation with an uplifting compliment that was very much needed and I appreciate it.
So this goes out to Cassidy and Mike. Thanks for helping me out the last few hours. Cassidy, you made me laugh a lot even though I was saying most of the funny things. Mike, it means a lot what you said. A special shout out goes to Clint for checking up on me last night to make sure I wasn't dead in a ditch along 287.
It's good to know I have such good friends out there who care so much.


Anonymous said...

good job thanking those who needed to be thanked. When is James going to update his blog, does he think he is too good for the blogs or what. It has been over a month and still no posts. What is his deal, I think he is too good to blog, what about you? Oh by the way what is your review on the Dukes of Hazzard, me absolute garbage. Nothing I mean nothing like the original one.

Anonymous said...

By the way tell James to update his blog and soon. MC

Matt said...

James must have a lot going on with copies, answering phones and drawing pictures on self-stick notes. He just doesn't have time for blogs, TOC Times or player bios. I'll do player bios for him on my blog. Check back later today.

Anonymous said...

That is no excuse. Making copies and answering phones, doesn't he realize he has a small following. And this following will dwindle down to nothing very soon if there are no new posts soon. Pictures on sticky notes, how juvenile. How old is this "James" character supposed to be, if he is old enough to have a "real job" he is old enough to BLOG DAMN IT!

Anonymous said...

Now don't get me wrong, I am not trying to beat James down or anything, I just think he owes it to his "following" to post something on that DAMN BLOG I mean come on why even have it in the first place if you are not going to use it. Right? Right! He thinks he is all "high and mighty" with the copy thing, but he still owes it to us "little" people to blog every now and then, we are not asking for much. Maybe some of his "following" have a meaningless life and all they look forward to everyday is the blog from non other than "James." Does he not even owe people that much?

Anonymous said...

I'm starting to think this anonymous person who is in love with James is James.


Anonymous said...

Could this anonymous be non other than James? Hmmmmm... I don't think so. Why do you say I am in love with James, I am just a "fan" of James and I am upset that he does not update a blog that he took the time to set up, but is not using. I think he should use it or just delet it from the World Wide Web completely.