Monday, August 08, 2005

Once A Dork, Always A Dork

I went birthday shopping with my mom yesterday at the mall and while we were there I mentioned checking in to see about our cell phone plan. It was about to expire, so I figured we could see what our options were about splitting the plan and having me go my own way.
Long story short, I got a new phone and I just set my ringtone. You can probably guess what the tune is. Once I downloaded it, I called Clint and said," Hey, do me a favor. Call me back."
He just started laughing at me and said he would. Just a few seconds later I heard the greatness that is the James Bond Theme start belting out of the tiny speaker. I answered the phone, probably sounding like a little kid who just found his lost puppy, and Clint was still laughing as he asked if that was all I needed.
"Yep. Thanks for everything," was my reply.
I am a dork, but I know this. Being a nerd is a little easier to deal with when you welcome it with open arms and a warm smile.


Micah said...

Way to move beyond the basic Nokia phone. :-) You need to show me your new toy!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great you didn't have to explain anything to Clint. He just knew what you needed -- no explanation necessary.

Matt said...

Guys are like that. We don't need to explain things to eachother. It is an understanding between men.