Saturday, August 06, 2005

Possibly The Best Birthday Ever

I am turning 25 on Tuesday and two things are happening that are greatness for me. The first is a small thing, but to me it is a huge deal. The first season of the Muppet Show comes out on DVD. Okay, I understand your confusion. Yes, I am turning 25. Yes, I am a fan of the Muppets.
What you may not realize is the Muppet Show was not only a great variety show series for children, but it also showcased some of the best and funniest talent from the late 70s and early 80s. There are 24 episodes featured on Season 1, with the show basically in the shape fans will remember: a musical introduction followed by backstage chaos, another musical number, a sketch, a scene with the guest star and so on.
Special guest stars include Candice Bergen, Sandy Duncan, Lena Horne, Rita Moreno, Jim Nabors, Vincent Price, Peter Ustinov and more. Among the memorable stars are Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, Animal, Statler and Waldorf (the two old guys in the balcony) and the Swedish Chef.
The other great thing about my birthday is that Tuesday night is a special screening of one of my favorite movies ever. Most of you know I am a huge James Bond fan. Well, being such a young Bond fan, I am too young to have seen the older movies in the theater. However, thanks to the Lakewood Theater in Dallas, I am going to be lucky enough to see my favorite James Bond movie on the silver screen. That's right, From Russia With Love is premiering and I will be there to see it. Sadly, I will be in a rush because I have to go to an open house at 5:30 for work, but I will have an hour to get to Dallas, find my seat and enjoy the show.
From Russia With Love is the second of 20 James Bond movies, starring Sean Connery as the dashing British spy. Two months ago I saw Dr. No, the one that started it all, at the Lakewood Theater. Hopefully this will be a recurring theme for them and I will be lucky enough to see all of the older Bond movies in a real theater.
I am overly excited about Tuesday and can't wait for both things to happen. I get the first season of the Muppet Show on DVD and I will see my favorite James Bond movie. Oh happy days...


Micah said...

If I didn't have a meeting at 5 and another at 7, I'd soooo cover for you. I owe you, afterall....

Matt said...

That's cool. It will be a run-in-and-take-the-picture job anyway. No troubles.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bob and Dan,

I have a friend who is turning 25 this week. He is really excited for his birthday because he is getting the Muppet show on DVD.


MS in mansfield

Matt said...

Uhm, I would have to go gay on that one. You have yourself a real flamer there.

Micah said...

You weren't kidding when you threatened to take James out of the links...I just noticed this yesterday. :-) Funny!